Who is your HSM gal pal?

You could be fab and you know it just like Sharpay! Being a star in the spotlight is your destiny but only if it entertains you mates. Or you could be a sensible girl-honest to the max and able to work wonders when it comes to your friends feeling down.

Whoever you are most like is great it doesn't matter if you love the limelight or very honest it's just who you are but will you be like Sharpay or Gabriella let's find out!

Created by: Katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your colour is...
  2. Your motto would be...
  3. Your style is...
  4. A perfect Day would Be...
  5. The best bit about a party is...
  6. Friends would describe you as...
  7. You never leave the house without your...
  8. What song Best describes you...
  9. Your friend is trying on a top that you Hate!
  10. You spot a mistake in your friends work.
  11. Your friend is feeling down.

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Quiz topic: Who is my HSM gal pal?