Who is your HP twin

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This quiz is to test you on what your inside is and who you most fit as. The Harry Potter characters are nothing to mess around with. Take this quiz and find out.

Your inside is the most important part. It makes you you! This quiz will find who you are most related to. Good luck and remember. What you get is what your true side is.

Created by: Melody
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you described as?
  2. What are your talents?
  3. When were you born?
  4. What is your core mood?
  5. What is your status?
  6. What day is it?
  7. what is your wished friend?
  8. What are your favorite colors?
  9. What time is it?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who is my HP twin