Are you my twin?Emily 881

There are people out there who might be wondering whether they have a twin out there or not,well that is why I am making this quiz:to find out if I have a twin.take this quiz you might be my twin

We definitely dont have to look alike just have a few qualities that makes us almost like the same person although we look very different.Everyone says that another girl looks like me but we are very different.

Created by: Emily881

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What letter does your name start with?
  2. Your favourite colour
  3. Your favourite song
  4. Your favourite singer/band
  5. Your favourite food
  6. Your favourite place
  7. Ok a little weird(I know)Favourite subject:
  8. Do you love/hate school/work/college
  9. What do you like best?:
  10. Your favourite t.v programme

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Quiz topic: Am I my twin?Emily 881