Who is your Hogwarts soulmate? Find out by taking this quiz!

This is a quiz for people to find out who there soulmate from Hogwarts is! If you want to find out, start answering the questions!!! I hope you enjoy yourselves!

Are you brave like Harry Potter, or lazy like Ron Weasley? Are you strange like Luna Lovegood or clever like Hermione Granger? If you want to find out, then start answering!

Created by: Dragon234
  1. Which character trait are you?
  2. Choose another one.
  3. Another one.
  4. You know what to do.
  5. Which house are you in?
  6. Which of these places would you like to live in?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you like eat food? ( Any type )
  9. Do you listen to your parents over your friends?
  10. And finally, did you like this quiz? ( This question does not effect your scores )

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Quiz topic: Who is my Hogwarts soulmate? Find out by taking this quiz!
