Who is your Greek God Parent? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Who is your Greek God Parent?
i got child of Zeus 0-0
Congrats! You are a child of Zeus (supposedly)! Lord of the sky, ruler of the Olympians. Unfortunately, your dad is a show-off, a womanizer, and really arrogant. But, at least you might get some cool lightning abilities. (Not really)
Tu resultado: Atenea 77%
Lógica y estrategia. Dos aspectos principales de quién es Atenea. Es la diosa de la razón, la actividad inteligente, las artes y la literatura. Además, nunca se casará ni tendrá hijos. Probablemente seas inteligente y lógica, o participes en alguna forma de arte, tal vez en la costura.
69% Zeus
69% Apolo
68% Artemis
61% infierno
59% Afrodita
51% Poseidón
49% Hefesto
26% AresN0VA84931 -
Estoy más cerca de Hades que de Artemisa y Afrodita, esto es un poco contradictorio porque si soy cazadora reniego de mi los dones de mi madre, amor especialmente
Artemisa 77%
76% Afrodita
57% Apolo
51% Atenea
47% infierno
45% Zeus
36% Poseidón
30% Ares
28% HefestoAlba_gv1 -
So amazing. Love it
Unfair! I got Zeus! I'm closer to Hermes and Apollo than I am to Zeus!
hmp well i dont think i was close to zeus at all i got artemis
Got Athena ! (Second close god was Apollo)
Xazii1 -
I was hoping to get Apollo since hes my fav ~(^O^)~ and I did!! wasn't really expecting it though :,D
Well- I got Zeus.. idk if I'll be proud or stay neutral asf
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