Who is your FE14 husbando?

I haven't seen any quizzes about this, so here's what may be the first. Try it now if you love FE14.

Take this quiz and find out who you should marry in Fire Emblem 14!

Created by: Luna ;)
  1. Let's start. Which weapon would you prefer?
  2. Would you choose Hoshido or Nohr?
  3. Does your husbando have to be human?
  4. Now for this one let fate choose.
  5. Does your husbando have a mount?
  6. Is your husbando royalty?
  7. Another one to let fate choose.
  8. Do you mind if your husbando is a sibling?
  9. A random question: What is your favorite color?
  10. Final question: Let fate decide for the last time.

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Quiz topic: Who is my FE14 husbando? You can find more quizzes like this one in our RPG Quiz category.