Who is your favorite football player?

There are many good football players around. Which is your favorite? Find out here! There are five results which you can have! So get ready now! :] [:

Get ready to see who your favorite football player is! In just a few minutes you will find out your football idol, your football hero. So get answering those questions now! :] [:

Created by: DJCool

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite league?
  2. What is your favorite position?
  3. What is your favorite colour?
  4. What is your favorite International team?
  5. What is your favorite stadium?
  6. What foot do you prefer?
  7. What hairstyle do you like?
  8. How many goals would you settle for in a match?
  9. What is your favorite score? (you are the first number)
  10. Last question! Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who is my favorite football player?