Who is your Death Note Soulmate?

Hi! This quiz is for your death note soulmate. I tried to put some unconventional questions so that you wouldn't be too bored taking this test, so I hope that it worked.

Please comment your results just for fun! I'd love to see what you got, I'm interested to know. Or don't comment, that's okay too I guess. I mean whatever.

Created by: Lolsies
  1. Pick a word that best describes you...
  2. Which Death Note intro do you like best?
  3. Which Death Note outro do you like best?
  4. If you had ten dollars to spare, what would you do...?
  5. Have you ever done anything that you could get in legal trouble for?
  6. Which Danganronpa character is your favorite?
  7. What is your biggest insecurity?
  8. How many teeth do you have?
  9. Which place would you prefer to eat?
  10. How many siblings do you have?
  11. Would you rather eat ice cream or cake?
  12. Have you ever stolen anything from a family member or friend without their knowledge?
  13. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
  14. Do you stay up late every night?
  15. Dog or cat person...?
  16. Are you a boy or a girl?
  17. Do you tell your parents about your crushes?
  18. If you had to get rid of one of your fingers (cut it off) which one would you pick? Assuming it hurt the same amount for each finger.
  19. Would you kill your family if you were offered ten million dollars?
  20. When was the last time you wet your pants?
  21. You are forced to cut off a family member's arms and sew them to your own body. Where are you attaching them?
  22. Kiss marry kill: Misa, Light, Ryuk.
  23. Are you ready to rumble?
  24. Do you ever tell the truth?
  25. Rate yourself on looks.
  26. Rate yourself on personality.
  27. Why did you take this test?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Death Note Soulmate?
