How much you know about Death Note anime/manga

So this quiz will test your death note knowledge. It doesnt matter how low ur score is, you still watched death note and that is enough to be my friend- unless if you like near! If you like near, you are an alien! No one should ever like near!!! Nvm...

Every question has only one answer and every question has a coreect answer. No question is wrong, i double checked. Dont google things up or it will not be fun and most importantly: have fun.

Created by: Salami
  1. How many FBI agents were sent to investigate the kira case?
  2. Who killed L?
  3. Which university did Light Yagami win?
  4. Who kidnapped Sayu Yagami
  5. Who killed Near?
  6. Which one in the below is NOT a rule of death note
  7. L figured out that light was kira
  8. Naomi misora was:...
  9. Which one in the below is CERTANLY correct
  10. Misa:

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