who is your boyfriend in the wizarding world?

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hey! welcome to my quiz! this is girls only, okay? now to be clear, the questions may sound repeated, but I'm kind of crazy so it doesn't matter. any way.

there are four results and if you don't like what you get, just do it again. there is no limit. for all you boys who entered the quiz, I don't know if you're gay or bi, but i'm gonna make a quiz just for you guys, okay? keep your eyes peeled and enjoy

Created by: Iris Blood
  1. what color hair attracts you the most?
  2. what eye color attracts you the most?
  3. potato?
  4. what house would your ideal boyfriend be in?
  5. what best quality would your ideal boyfriend have?
  6. choose one (they are secret codes)
  7. would you rather....
  8. choose a color
  9. the quiz is over!
  10. ok, what did you think of my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who is my boyfriend in the wizarding world?
