Which Weasley Family Member are you?

Sorry to those who wanted to be Percy:He's a git."The Death Eaters know Ron's with you now, they're bound to target the family — don't apologise. It was always a matter of time, Dad's been saying so for months. We're the biggest blood traitor family there is."— The family's status amongst Voldemort's supporters[src]

The Weasleys (unlike many other pure-blood families) willingly associated with Muggles, Muggle-borns, and half-bloods and do not consider themselves superior to others because of their blood status. Thus, elitist pure-blood families such as the Malfoys and the Blacks consider them "blood traitors" and treat them with disdain; Cedrella Black was even disowned by her family for marrying Septimus Weasley.[5] Despite being "one of the biggest blood traitor" families, they seemed rather proud of it. The Weasleys tended to have large numbers of children; an unusual trait for wizarding families, according to Draco Malfoy.[6] Ron's generation of Weasleys were considered poor by wizarding standards;[7] their vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank only contained a small pile of Sickles and a single Galleon as of 1992.[8]For several generations, only boys were born into the family, until the birth of Ginevra Molly Weasley.[9] This trend ended with the grandchildren of Arthur and Molly, who include more girls than boys.Recent history

Created by: ginnyruled
  1. What would your room colour be?
  2. What wand would you choose?
  3. Who would you marry?
  4. What would you say?
  5. What would your dream job be?
  6. How tall are you?
  7. What position in Quidditch?
  8. Harry Potter?
  9. Your Initials?

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Quiz topic: Which Weasley Family Member am I?
