Who Is Your Bigtimerush Big Time Crush?

What is your big time crush? Come here to find out! If you like it please recommend to others. Please play I stayed up really late to finish this! Bye!

Are you the one? The one who has the crush? Right now your going to find out who it is (or if you even have one) so I'm just going to say lol, loooool?

Created by: jasmine

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I know nearly everyone asks this question but... What is your fave color(s)?(this won't effect your results).
  2. What does a boy need?
  3. How far are you liking this quiz? (no affect to result)?
  4. Do you even like BTR?(BIG TIME RUSH)?
  5. What is your favorite song?
  6. The guys of BTR are ?
  7. Ok can we just speed through? Please? If no I will edit it (I might not).
  8. Fate!

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Bigtimerush Big Time Crush?