Who in the neverseen is your freind?

this is a fun and easy test to see wwho your freind would be in the neverseen. so if you want to find out,take this and soon you'll know who in the neverseen it is.

thank you for taking this test. you are probablly not going to read this anyway so what are you doing here go! your still here? really? fine you read it all.

Created by: yqdvwqe
  1. what do you not mind in a freind?
  2. what do you do to pass time
  3. What kotlc book is your fav?
  4. who do you want it to be?
  5. last: favorite abbilty
  6. least favorite carecter (of the kids)
  7. fav color
  8. least fav adult
  9. fav adult
  10. did you like

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Quiz topic: Who in the neverseen is my freind?
