who in lotr will u date

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Do you like lotr? The men? so is this the perfect quiz for you! There are 4 answers: Legolas, Aragorn, Frodo and merry/pippin. WHO is up for you? check it out in this quiz!

WHO Is for you. WHO will like u? WHO is the only one! WWWill the sexy lotr fall for u! now you now, thanks to my new quiz (check my other quizzes out my name is Emilievf)

Created by: Emilievf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you live?
  2. What would u eat on a travel in middle earth?
  3. What do you see attrative in a male
  4. choose a song
  5. Choose a female character
  6. Choose a male character
  7. Choose a smiley
  8. Choose a race
  9. Your favorite colour
  10. (no effect) did u like the quiz

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