who are you stranger things

this quiz will tell you what stranger things character you are use this amazing quiz and rate us at the end will tell you who you are you just have to come in the quiz

are you ready? we hope you really like the great quiz after that you can take different quizzes they are all great I really recommend you doing it but you can pick

Created by: nicole
  1. are you girl or boy
  2. what would you protect your friends with
  3. where would you whrather spend time
  4. whats your favorite movie
  5. what would you save from your house in a fire
  6. how old are you?
  7. where would you hide
  8. what would you have for breackfast
  9. who do you invite to the ball
  10. who do you save
  11. what scene made you cry more

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Quiz topic: Who am I stranger things
