Who are you most similar to in Babymonster?

Hi everyone! I created this quiz so you all can find your twin from the fascinating YG girl group Babymonster. Who is it gonna be? Ruka, Pharita,Asa,Ahyeon,Rora,Rami or Chiquita?This quiz is just for you to find out.

I hope you all don't get offended by the results. I calculated everything properly and accurately so please have fun! Fun fact: Babymonster has their upcoming world tour "Hello Monsters" in 2025. They will have 2 concerts in Seoul on January 25 and 26 in the KSPO Dome and during February and March they will visit New Jersey and LA in TBA Venue

Created by: Ayesha
  1. When is your Birthday?
  2. What is your zodiac sign?
  3. What is your MBTI?
  4. Which year were you born?
  5. What is your blood type?
  6. What is your age?
  7. Where were you born?
  8. What are you good at?
  9. What is your go-to-color?
  10. This is the end. I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully, you get a satisfying result. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Who am I most similar to in Babymonster?
