Who Are You Most Like?

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this quiz. I got the inspiration from many people, and decided to act on it. This quiz is designed in a way that will look at your decisions that you made in the quiz, and will test you on those decisions to see who you're most like.

With this quiz, I hope you'll learn more about yourself and what you would actually decide in realistic situations. The wizarding world can be crazy at times, so I hope you'll consider the options in the quiz with careful consideration, as they DO affect who you are most like. Enjoy!!

Created by: Penelope
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Who do you most relate to?
  3. What do you value most in a relationship/friendship?
  4. If someone is bullying someone else, and you happen to see it, how do you react?
  5. Where would you live if you could pick a place?
  6. What would your name be if you could choose?
  7. How would you react if you got a brand new broomstick?
  8. What do think of yourself?
  9. What would you do if you saw the Golden Trio pass by in the halls?
  10. If you saw someone fail miserably at class one day, and you knew they were bummed about it, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Who am I Most Like? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.
