Who Are You More Like, Me (Whisper) or Tangle (Sonic)

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Me: (I am Sonic Tails Lf's Alt) Hello, I am Whisper the Wolf and this is my quiz to see if your like me or my dear friend, Tangle the Lemur. Make sure you answer honestly for the best result.

Me: I hope you enjoy this, make sure to rate and comment on who you got. I of course got Whisper, XD. Make sure you have a good day and like this. ENJOY!

Created by: Whisper_Wolf_16
  1. Me (Whisper): First off, which color?
  2. Me: Which animal?
  3. Me: What would you do if someone hugged you? Tangle: *Hugs Me* Me: *Nervously hugs back* I'll do this once...
  4. Me: Which are you?
  5. Me: You had to work with this kid in your class for a project, but it's quiet between you two, what would you do?
  6. Me: Who do you like better?
  7. Me: Who are you more like?
  8. Me: Which would you rather do?
  9. Me: Are you fearless?
  10. Me: Lastly, who do you think your more like? (NO EFFECT)

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Quiz topic: Who am I More Like, Me (Whisper) or Tangle (Sonic)
