Who are you more like

This little quiz will determine which you are more like of the couple mutas the girl ezobes the boy these questions will be random but needed includes

Movies tv shows like Alvin and the chipmunks rather you're cute or adorable and of course your appearance and gender matters and personality ingredien

Created by: Amelia of Mutalala
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite color
  2. Your eye color
  3. Your hair color
  4. Your ingredient
  5. Your favorite song
  6. Do you like the labyrinth better or the power puff girl's better
  7. Your favorite character from power puff girl's
  8. Your being bullied you
  9. Your favorite animal
  10. Your personality
  11. Your favorite Alvin and the chipmunks character

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Quiz topic: Who am I more like