How much do you hate Alvin And The Chipmunks 2

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Have you ever heard of Alvin and the Chipmunks well I've put a quiz together to show you how much you hate these annoying rodents! Now ARE YOU READY! But First read the next paragraph...

...Do you hate Alvin the chipmunks to the point where you want to murder them? Yes, well that is the sole reason I put some elbow grease and created this quiz for you!

Created by: Bowser Jr.
  1. You're at the cinema right and you little brothers/sisters want to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks you parents or legal guardian agree what's your reaction?
  2. Which Chipmunk do you hate the most?
  3. In your Dream one of the Chipmunks (Let's say Theodore) does something that makes you very upset or enraged what do you do to him?
  4. An Alvin and the Chipmunks school play by the Year 1 or 7 children is at your school and everyone is FORCED to watch it how to you deal with one of these situations?
  5. The Chipmunks are on trial and you're deciding whether they get to live ore die, what's your choice?
  6. You've just found and captured the Chipmunks how would you want to kill them?
  7. What liquid would you pour on the Chipmunks?
  8. When you think about the Chipmunks what do you do?
  9. On you're birthday you get a bunch of presents one is Mario and Luigi Partners in Time the other is a new I Phone and you're next one is plushies Alvin Simon and Theodore. What do you do?
  10. Which Chipmunk do you hate the most? (This time the question is a must you must hate one you can't chose I love them all or I hate them all)

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Quiz topic: How much do I hate Alvin And The Chipmunks 2