Who are You? (Kotlc Edition!)

This quiz will determine which main Kotlc character you are! This quiz was made out of complete boredom, I still put a lot of thought into it. Please enjoy and have fun with the quiz. I worked hard making this took almost an hour.

Hi There I am a complete sokeefe shipper so please forgive me if you ship sophie with fitz and if you don't know what the heck I am talking about and u just wanna know which good looking person you will get, ok!

Created by: Kotlc_Sokeefe_Maniac
  1. Fav Eye Color
  2. Hair Color
  3. Fav Ship
  4. Fav Ability
  5. Gender
  6. Are you having a good day?
  7. Are you popular?
  8. Have you ever kissed someone?
  9. Are you handsome/pretty
  10. Did you enjoy quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I? (Kotlc Edition!)
