Who are you in the Argo 2 Crew?

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Hey ya'll! How ya doing? This is a quiz to test your personality and find out which of Argo 2 Crew you are closest to in personality. Good Luck mortal!

This quiz will test your personality and find out who you are most like. Good luck! (If you don't fail, I won't come through the screen and bite you.)

Created by: Loyal to PJO
  1. What is your favorite thing to do?
  2. Who is your godly parent?
  3. Favorite animal?
  4. Favorite Argo 2 Crew character?
  5. What do you do when you see a spider.
  6. Favorite Color?
  7. What kind of weapon do you use in battle?
  8. Favorite pet/comrade?
  9. Who would be your best friend?
  10. What is your personality?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Argo 2 Crew?
