Who are YOU in school!

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Who are you in school. I found myself asking this to myself. I actually don't know. I'm gonna take it myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this has true answers!

Your persona might not be in this. If I get anough plays then I will create some new ones. Check out others by Teresa. Please remember that you might not exactly fit the discription. and that's okay

Created by: QUIZ-WIZ
  1. Girl or boy?
  2. Are u an __ Student? (select answer to fill in blank)
  3. How many sports are you in?
  4. Have you ever gotten MVP in a sport?
  5. If you only have 15 minutes till the bus comes and your totally not ready what do you do.
  6. What is more up your alley?
  7. How many freinds do you have?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. WHo do you think you are?
  10. DO you read at all?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in school!
