Harry Potter sorting quiz

Do you ever wonder what is out there In the Wizarding world? Like other ministers, quiditch teams SCHOOLS maybe? Do you ever wonder what school YOU would be In?

DO you think you have a true school that fits you? Does it haft to be HOGWARTS? Well take this quiz to see, and you will have your true school you have been wondering about!

Created by: Summer
  1. If you had to choose a Wizarding school, where would you stay for one whole year?
  2. If you had to choose a Wizarding school, where would you stay for one whole year? If you answered the last question, press None.
  3. Do you want to be a dark wizard?
  4. Do you like to got to school for a long period of your life?
  5. You see a billion air celebrity walking along in the street, they come over to you because your sitting on the bench alone do you....
  6. What type of school would you go to?
  7. Would you like to be unique and go to a unique school?
  8. Do you like sports?
  9. What would you like to study the most?
  10. Do you like a security system that is wicked cool?

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