Who Are You in a Zombie Apocalypse

This is a quiz that attempts to accurately provide you with your future role in a zombie apocalypse. This is all meant to be very fun and I hope you enjoy taking the quiz and like your result!

Will you be someone who keeps the group safe? Will you be someone who keeps the group's morality intact? Will you be a problem solver, a leader, a scavenger? There are quite a few options.

Created by: PRabideau
  1. Do you live in a...?
  2. What is your weapon of choice?
  3. Your friends and family would describe you as...?
  4. Do you see yourself as a leader?
  5. What is your age? (Yes, this is important)
  6. What is the most important tool for YOUR (individual) survival
  7. You wake up tomorrow and there's zombies outside eating people. What do you do?
  8. Say humans take back the world. What next?
  9. Could you see yourself killing a zombie?
  10. Who of these do you think is closest to your style?
  11. When another group of survivors attack, what is your plan?
  12. The attack has breached the defenses. Now what?
  13. You've won the battle and taken some prisoners! What now?
  14. Food is running low and you can't get more for a few days because of a snowstorm. What is your move?
  15. Last one. What's your zombie apocalypse motto?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in a Zombie Apocalypse
