Who are you from kotlc with a twist..

Hi!! I love quizzes so I decided to make one!!! I am OBSESSED with books though! I love all sorts of different books, so there will probably see a lot of randomly similar quizzes!

Now I need to warn you…There is a random twist to this quiz! I give no spoilers, only a warning! There is something off…..There are four possible outcomes to your characters. Enjoy!

Created by: BooksAreMyLife13
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. Who is your favourite character?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What’s your favourite book?
  5. You second favourite character?
  6. Your favourite healthy snack?
  7. Your third fave character?
  8. Your fave Harry Potter character?
  9. Your favourite Twilight character?
  10. Lastly, what cabin in Percy Jackson are you in?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from kotlc with a twist..
