Who are you from Dixi Season Two?

Okay, This is my first quiz. To all those Dixi lovers out there, thanks sooooooo much for choosing this quiz. I apologize if you do not get who you would like, but please be honest. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ©

Are you sweet Mimi? Musical Isla? Serene Eve? Take this quiz to find out! I apologize if this is horrible, but this is my first quiz. Good Luck!!🍩🍩

Created by: Rachael Bonder
  1. What movie genre appeals to you?
  2. What would/do you blog about?
  3. Favorite colour?
  4. What is your fashion style?
  5. What is your favorite social media app?
  6. Which boy do you like from the series?
  7. Pick one
  8. Pick a horror movie
  9. When is your birthday?
  10. Do you like school?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from Dixi Season Two?
