Who are u a jock bully or nerd

There are alot of cool people and theres nerd jocks and others.dont trat other like crap respaect them and listen to them.They have feling so do i.Hope u will do good

Are u ok with who are u.try and find out just who will u be.you can be a jock,bully,or a nerd. please try this quiz.this is not a waste of your time thank u.

Created by: dan of apple.com
(your link here more info)
  1. If some one broke your arm would you:
  2. if your teacher gave u an F would u:
  3. if a girl asked u on a date on the date u will:
  4. if u were in foot ball would u:
  5. if u were a dog would u be a :
  6. if u did a dance in the class it would be
  7. u lovin this quiz
  8. if u get straight a's u are a
  9. your almost done
  10. what your favorite class
  11. are u ready

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