which x-men are you

there are so many fans but very few lovers hardly any one knows about gimli,urico,sabbit. but I am sure no one knows about volerinolesstolquamic was ever an x-men

there are so many fans but very few lovers hardly any one knows about gimli,urico,sabbit. but I am sure no one knows about volerinolesstolquamic was ever an x-men do you want to as much as wolverine take the quiz.

Created by: sam of victory vs power
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  4. do you like to jump ?
  5. do you like team-ups?
  6. do you like rainbows?
  7. how do you like this website?
  8. how do think of animals
  9. are you a nerd
  10. can laser harm you

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Quiz topic: Which x-men am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our X-Men Quiz category.