Which World War 2 General are you?

This is my first quiz so there will be a large lack of content and most likely a large number of historical inaccuracies contained in some of the questions or in the results so do not use this quiz to educate yourself in any way about history.

This is just to fill in the second paragraph and I am only typing this so that I can bypass that restriction since there is nothing else that I need to say.

Created by: Seraph
  1. A nearby shop owner needs help taking inventory but in doing so would cause you to be late for a meeting. Would you...
  2. A soldier from a nearby tent warns you of an army consisting of 7,000 soldiers are approaching your position, do you...
  3. You command all the German Armed Forces in World War 2 and must face an opponent that has more soldiers, resources and factories to produce war materials. How do you defeat them?
  4. You are playing chess and are attempting to form an overall plan of how to play against your opponent. What is your grand strategy?
  5. You are given a choice of commanding a fleet of battleships versus aircraft carriers or a combination of both. How do you go about making your choice and how do you utilize them?
  6. You are caught in an alleyway and are surrounded by two unarmed men attempting to mug you. There is no one nearby. How do you attempt to deal with the situation?
  7. Which quality stands out to you the most?
  8. Do you believe it is necessary to gamble and risk losing everything?
  9. This is just a filler question
  10. THis is just a filler question

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Quiz topic: Which World War 2 General am I?
