Which wolf rank are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which wolf rank are you?
Loner,I'd rather be a loner sense I'm good with self reliant skills and enjoy being alone more than clans and rules. I'd rather go by my own rules and instincts instead of others. Cool quiz mate.
as a therian i decided to take this from a fox/cat perspective and i got beta, which checks out as i like being i charge and im good at it, but i also get pressured so being second in command is helpful. but only in a pack. in a school project i hate anyone else in power
This is a great quiz. The only suggestion I would make is that you could not make the answer choices obvious as to which result they are if you know what I mean.
I got subordinate. That's what I wanted! :)
I got omega (duh), and i agree with unikat. Except for that the choices are obvious, this quiz is really nice!
Alpha! I feel like preening.
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