Which WOF Arc 3 character are you ?

Hii ! Im COCO TULIN :33 and i luv WOF soo much so I decided to create a quiz about which Arc 3 protagonist are you . All the answers are awesome ,so do not feel sad if you do not get what you liked . I will do a few about Arc 2 & 3. Have Fun !

Find more about me on pinterest !! Just some info :People who are still not on the 11th book DO NOT TAKE THIS QUIZ !!SPOILER WARNING !!! :333333333 Hope u guys love it !

Created by: Coco !
  1. What is your favorite color ?
  2. What tribe do you like the most ? (not based on character )
  3. If someone bumps into you and spills your drink, what will be your first reaction ?
  4. Who is your favorite WOF character ( not based on character)
  5. If your BFF is ignoring you , what will you do ?
  6. OK ! Last one !If you had to either kill Sundew or kill Cricket ,who would you kill ?
  7. IK this is a bit random but which dragonet do you like the most :
  8. Js 2 more left ! Again a random question but would you have animus powers or be a flame silk ?
  9. OKK !! would you rather be a :
  10. LAST ONE okk this might be weird but which of these charecters do you think is hot !!

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Quiz topic: Which WOF Arc 3 character am I ?
