Which WNGO Character Are You? (OC)

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Just a short quiz with a few of my OCs that I'm developing at the moment. I got bored in class and made this! We have a diverse set of characters such as traumatised white boy, hot therapist, Butters 2, and many more! No, I will not be clarifying who I was referring to

This probably won't be accurate because obviously they already have set personalities, so it won't fit everyone. If I do manage to get something right though, that's a pretty cool coincidence, I think!

Created by: Brynnstic of Bryn's epic socials!!
(your link here more info)
  1. Gender?
  2. Sexuality?
  3. Who's your favourite South Park character (don't worry its not that important heheh)
  4. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  5. What's your FAVOURITE subject?
  6. What's your LEAST favourite subject?
  7. Do you talk about your feelings?
  8. Choose somewhere in the United States to live (sorry if this seems poorly formatted)
  9. (filler question) If you somewhat know the characters, which one do you think you'll get? Ask me if you want short descriptions lol
  10. What type of friend are you?
  11. Choose a decade to grow up in:
  12. LAST QUESTION WOOOO- Choose a song lol

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Quiz topic: Which WNGO Character am I? (OC)
