Which Wings of Fire Tribe are You?

Find Out What Dragon Tribe You Are In This Fun Quiz. Answer These Questions Honestly and You'll Find out which Dragon Tribe you are. I Hope You Enjoy This Quiz.

I Hope You Like The Quiz. Find Out What Dragon Tribe You Are In This Fun Quiz. Answer These Questions Honestly and You'll Find out which Dragon Tribe you are.

Created by: Hannah
  1. What's Your Favorite Color?
  2. What's Your Favorite Food?
  3. Where Do You Want To Live?
  4. Which Prophecy Is Your Favorite?
  5. What Pet Would You Choose?
  6. Whose Your Favorite Wof Character?
  7. Whose Your Favorite Wof Character Pt 2?
  8. Which One Best Fits You?
  9. Which One Do You Hope You Are?
  10. What Does The First Letter Of Your Name Start With?
  11. What Book Was Your Favorite?
  12. Did You Like The Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Tribe am I?
