Which Wings Of Fire Dragonet Would You Be Best Friends With?

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Have you ever wondered which Prophecy Dragonet would be your best friend? If so, you should take this quiz! There are 10 questions in total, and not all are totally specific.

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Created by: RedPanda
  1. Are you a boy or girl?
  2. Which of the following tribes would you want to be?
  3. What is your favorite subject at "Dragon School?" (Not Jade Academy)
  4. Which of these apply to you most?
  5. Which of the dragonets do you like the most?
  6. Which of these dragons is the most like you?
  7. Lets take a break and relax a little.
  8. Did you know that the "Break" was actually a question?
  9. Where would you like to live?
  10. Last question! How long did it take you to do this quiz?

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