Which will fall for you part 39 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which will fall for you part 39.
i think i need to go back and do all of these again.. i've practically forgotten what they're about...
petziez1 -
i think im adhd cuz im always hyper and iv been haivn trouble focusing at skool its gettin rly bad lol but we r amaizng for keeping up with these comments i just wihs that she would make the nxt one
xevx1 -
yea sry to disappoint ya sha but shes rite and to he11 with carign about cursing me and my friends r the worst ones at skool and btw im nto 12 anymore
xevx1 -
i agree with you completely, starfire :)
psh, opposites attract, right?
petziez1 -
Omg when is part forty coming out? I love Miku! And, btw, you don't mind if I write a book based on this quiz, do you?
no, i don't :D but... i might not be able to comment to you guys cuz today is the last day of skool! i use the macbooks they supply to us to do all my entertainment! like commenting to you! so.... *sob* i'll catch u later tho!
petziez1 -
i dont kno anyone that im tlkin to rite now cuz i live in lafayette louisiana.... omg do u guys remember wen i told u guys about that fifteen year old that followed me for my friends b day party?
xevx1 -
ok, how many of you guys actually know each other from outside this? cuz as far as i know, i know none of you (Emporia is such an old peeps town, so little and boring)
petziez1 -
Yeah llamas rock! I never knew that some actually had appaloosa spotz.
oh and this other guy nicknamed me chaco-latte (thats how he says it, but he means chocolate) and i asked him y one time and he said cuz he likes chaco-latte... my life is so confusing :S
petziez1 -
desperate (cough cough) ok thats just weird why dont you tell him to leave you alone and if he wants to be friends to stop creeping...and your a figure skater? thats soo cool :)
NO!!!!!!!! it shall not die!!!! and that happenes to me all the time!! it always sounds better in my head!! one time i had a great come back and i had it all formed in my head but wen i came out of my mouth i screwed it up!!
xevx1 -
yeah like at lunch today you were talking about something that has to do with health and body fat it was wierd lmao XD
yeah totally i never havbe free time except for today, and i still cant believe i have free time today
nessie141 -
First Quiz out! =D Called True Or False: Animal Facts.
Search it! =)
xxdark wrote these, however she like feel off the face of the earth so more of these are most likely not going to come
*cries* i want the story to continue it was really really good :(
haha yeah that usually happens and nice im your opposite i guess im a pessimist :P
wow.. im never caught up on anything ever in the world of celebs (it's not like i really want to be, but...) :)
petziez1 -
it's from the newer alice and wonderland movie, and i forget... i don't think they gave the answer to it...
petziez1 -
ompg hav any of u heard of the band Three Days Grace? cuz they r my fav band and if u hav or if u havnt heard of them u need to go look up "home" by three days grace cuz it amazing!!!!!!!!!! im in love with the lead singer!!!! but logan lerman is my boyfriend(not really just in my own little world)
xevx1 -
wait who do you like nessie? and haha wow wyatt would do that! lmao but idk what to do i like him so much and its so wierd cuz it makes everything awkward and i really want to tell him but im scared at what he'll say/think
sounds crazy