Which warrior cat describes you best? by bea

Hey! I'm Bea and I made this quiz. This will help you figure out which warrior cat name fits you most! Remember this is only for fun, don't actually take any of this too seriously.

There are many different warrior cats you can get and each has a different personality. There are different clans and different roles, etc. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Bea
  1. You are the only kit in the nursery right now, what do you do?
  2. What role are you in your clan?
  3. What clan are you in?
  4. Who are you more loyal to?
  5. Who do you respect the most in your clan?
  6. Your mentor is killed in a fight against another clan. What do you do?
  7. You are about to catch a mouse, but your best friend leaps out from behind you and catches it first. What do you do?
  8. What color is your fur?
  9. What is your favorite meal?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat describes me best? by bea
