Which warrior cat are you?

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This quiz is to find out which warrior cat you are. I hope you like the quiz, and never stop reading warrior cats. There are going to be a few options for each question.

Enjoy! This quiz is made just for fun, and i hope it‘s fun to take to. At the end you are gonna get a score which tells you which warrior cat you are.

Created by: Sara
  1. What kind of clancat are you?
  2. Who would you like to have as mentor?
  3. A kit from another clan is getting attacked by a fox, what do you do?
  4. Do you like swimming?
  5. Whats your biggest fear?
  6. Whats your highest goal?
  7. Which of these words describe you?
  8. Which clan is your favourite?
  9. What color is your fur?
  10. Is the warrior code important?

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat am I?
