Which Warrior Cat Are You?

This is a quiz about which Warrior Cat you are most like. There are 5 answers. I wanted to make this quiz because I'm a HUGE warriors fan and I absolutely LOVE the book.

I hope you have fun trying out my quiz and finding out who you are most like. After the quiz leave some feedback please if you can, I would love to know if I should make more quizzes.

Created by: Danielle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your leader was pinned down by a fox trap and was losing life after life and you were deputy would you save him?
  2. You were battling and you had a queen expecting kits pinned down what would you do?
  3. If you had half clan warriors in your clan what would you do?
  4. Would you kill innocent cats for fun?
  5. Who would you pick for a mate?
  6. If another clan was starving and your clan was thriving with prey, would you share?
  7. Would you drive a clan out of their territory if you were starving?
  8. If you could change one thing about the clans what would it be?
  9. Who's your favourite warrior cat
  10. Who would you chose to be your kin?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I?