which warrior cat are you

If you have read the warriors series, i am sure that you will love this quiz! if you haven't, i highly suggest that you read at least the first book!

This quiz will determine which warrior cat you are. It is a personality quiz. please be honest. its not fun when you make up the answers :( I hope you enjoy my quiz! i worked hard on it! :D

Created by: madeline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. pick a color
  2. which is your most treasured possession?
  3. what color eyes do you have
  4. what is your favorite warriors book
  5. would you risk your life for a friend or family member?
  6. would you be jealous of someone with more things than you?
  7. if you loved someone but they loved someone else what would you do?
  8. pick an element
  9. would you consider yourself nice or mean?
  10. Who would you want to be?
  11. pick a disney movie

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cat am I