Which Warrior Are You?

Hi! This is a quiz with made-up warriors, not real warriors from the real Warrirors series. I'm sorry if I took your warrior's OC name, but I clearly didn't know at the time!

Rules: 1: Credit goes to ME, not no one else. 2: be nice. If you didn't like your result, so the quiz AGIAN or just IGNORE it. 3: have fun! This quiz was made to have fun, not to be grumpy!

Created by: Berryheart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay. She-cat or tom.
  2. Rolplay now! ~~~~ Your brother, Goosepaw, comes up to you. (Your name is Hollypaw) "Hi Hollypaw!" He meows. Your mentor, Blacksky, comes up to you. "I'm going on a hunting patrol. Stay here with Goosepaw."
  3. Goosepaw walks with you to the elders' den were all of the elders: Beetletail, Feathersong, Yellowfoot, Fawnstream, and Nightwater are. "Tell us a story!" You say.
  4. As the elders' tell their stories, you wonder:
  5. Okay, sorry, no more rolplay. What name do you want your warrior name to be?
  6. Okay. What pelt is yours?
  7. O-kay, herb?
  8. Alright, no more med. Cat stuff. Which rank do you want to be in?
  9. How would you rate this quiz?
  10. Okay.

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.