Which warrior are you?

Hey guys! Have you ever wondered which warrior you are? Well good thing your here! Because I am here to fulfill your thirst. Let me tell you a bit more about this quiz.

In this quiz you will answer questions and you will click the answer that fits you the best. They're are 4 results, when your done answering one of the results will show up. The result will have a description that will explain why it is there.

Created by: Rain Bennett
  1. You are being abused as a kit, what do you do?
  2. You are on a border patrol and find a loner. What do you do?
  3. You are in a battle and someone is trying to kill you leader, what shall you do?
  4. Your mate starts to cheat on you, what will you do?
  5. What will you follow?
  6. Your in battle and start fighting with a she-cat. You realize it's your friend's forbidden mate. What will you do?
  7. A kit is about to fall off a cliff, what will you do.
  8. A fire sparks in the forest. What do you do?
  9. Preferred clan.
  10. She-cat or Tom?

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Quiz topic: Which warrior am I?
