What Warrior Cat are y0u? By reedwhisker

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Have you ever wondered what Warrior cat you would be if you could be one of them?Well, if so this 10 question quiz will tell you which one you would be.

Ranging from 10 different cats, this quiz will tell you which one you would be, with a short description accompanying it, so take this quiz and find out which warrior cat you would be.

Created by: victoria
  1. How do you or others describe your personality?
  2. What do you look for in a mate?
  3. Someone you love or care about has changed, how do you react
  4. You have fallen in love but know you cant be together, what happens now?
  5. How do you feel about StarClan and Dark Forest?
  6. Someone has greatly wronged you, and theirs no way to make it right, how do you get back at them for this?
  7. How do you feel about the warrior code?
  8. What colour is your pelt?
  9. What is your eye colour?
  10. What Clan are you in?

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