the best warrior cats love story ever part 1 (SHE-CATS ONLY)

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You are an apprentice in storm clan your pelt is brown and you have black and orange patches. Nothing much has happed except 4 toms and soon to be 5 are cheering your name. You are to fall in love with one. But which one?

will you fall in love with the secret loving crowpaw or the tom that has known you sense you were a kit sparowpaw.will the loveable oakpaw steal your heart or stonepaw the muscular tom that will do anything, even kill your father or you if you don't pick him?

Created by: Frostgaze
  1. you are sitting alone passing a mossball between your paws you hear three queens talking. you look over and see your mother Patchpetal she was arguing with Smokeglow and Brownclaw. Brownclaw said "I just don't get why your keeping Y/K/N in the nursery till she is 4 moons old Mouskit was at least 2 moons when I let her go out and Willowpaw was-" "I don't care I'm keeping my kits safe and to do that Y/K/N will stay in the nursery till she is 4 moons old just like Mosskit" said you mom cutting Brownclaw "well I think its kind of exsesive Frostkit left the nursery when she was able to see and walk" said Smokeglow a grey queen with black spots on her pelt. you stoped listening and acsedentaly knoked the mossball into one of the corners of the nursery. you think....
  2. "watch where you throw that ball" said a toms voice in the shadow "sorry I...I didn't know you were there" you say shyly and suprisd that there was a cat sitting in the corner. he comes out of the shadow and you see he is a silver tom with black ears, paws, tail and underbelly. you think....
  3. you tell him your name "my name is Y/K/N what's yours" he says "stonekit" you ask him " what happed to your tail?" he answers "umm... its a long story I'll tell you later" you say okay and asks if he wants too play with you he says yes and you play the day away. your mom says its time for bed and you ask if stonekit can sleep with you, your mom, and your brother mosskit. she says yes and stonekit curls up next to you. what do you do?
  4. ~time skip~ you are able to go out side the other kits have showed you around and you then play mossball with them and the cat that passed to you was sparowkit. who do you pass it to?
  5. ~time skip again~ you, frostkit, and mousekit were named apprentices the others are already apprentices any way your mentor is duststorm the stormclans deputy frostpaws mentor is blacktail she is his second apprentice mouspaws mentors name is rosepatch you hear your clan cheering your names but one in perticular catches your ear it is....
  6. and....
  7. and...
  8. and...guess....
  9. and... you....
  10. CLIFFHANGER! I'm sorry I'll make part 2 soon;)

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