Which UVERworld member are you?

UVERworld is one of the many Japanese bands whom have mealted the hearts of EVERY fan around the world. Each member has his own personality, interests, etc.

Which UVERworld member are YOU most like? Are you Takuya? Maybe you're Katsuya? Or maybe Akira? How about Nobotu? Shintarou? Or maybe a less familiar UVERmember? Find out now!

Created by: Zuko 16
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How close are you now to your childhood friends?
  2. What is your favroite pastime?
  3. How much of a pervert are you?
  4. How shy are you?
  5. What drink do you most prefer?
  6. You speciality is...
  7. Your interest is...
  8. Your habit it...
  9. Favroite band/artist?
  10. Pick a random fact that most interests you ^_^
  11. Pick a random fact that most interests you ^_^

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Quiz topic: Which UVERworld member am I?