Which type of middle schooler are you??

This will be the test to prove of what type of middle schooler you are. If you enjoyed it then share it to friends. I hope that you enjoy this quiz and have fun.

Don't pay attention to this in the paragraph. I don't like that there is two paragraphs. It's kind of weird isn't it? Do you think that it's weird. Thank you.

Created by: Tayshaun
  1. What do you before school?
  2. Male or female?
  3. Age
  4. What do your friends call you?
  5. What do you when a bully is threatening someone?
  6. What happens when you fail the quiz?
  7. Would you make a YouTube channel
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up
  9. What do you need with you at all times?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz? No effect

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Quiz topic: Which type of middle schooler am I??
