Which Middle School/High School Literary Classic Are You?

I was a very avid reader in school. I always enjoyed a wide variety of books, but the ones I was required to read didn’t always appeal to me. Fortunately, there were a lot of required books that I really enjoyed!

If you want a new book suggestion, look no further! Of course, these books are sort of popular, but I could always make another quiz with more obscure books I read on my own that weren’t required in English class if you’d like me to. Anyway, enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Ansley
  1. How do you feel about societal norms? (Ex. Gender roles)
  2. Do you like being in nature?
  3. Would you consider yourself the “black sheep” of your family and/or society?
  4. Did you grow up in poverty?
  5. Oh no! A building is on fire, and all of the following people are trapped inside! Who will you save?
  6. What is your zodiac sign?
  7. How good are you in an emergency?
  8. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
  9. Are you a part of the LGBTQ+ community?
  10. How do you feel about death?

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Quiz topic: Which Middle School/High School Literary Classic am I?
