Which TPN character are you?

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Have you ever wondered what TPN character you are? Well, now you have an answer! This will give some questions that will determine which character from TPN you are

This is my first time making a quiz, so it might not be so good. I do hope you like it! If you don't, that's alright, but I do hope you will check out my other ones that i'll (probably) make! Just an FYI, there isn't much questions

Created by: Zachary
  1. Your age
  2. gender
  3. Your friend left something in the classroom you were just in what do you do?
  4. When shopping at the mall, you see one of your classmates across the store your in, what do you do?
  5. your assigned a project and have the option to have a partner, what do you choose to do?
  6. you go to the park with your friend and you guys see an ice cream truck, your friend wants ice cream but you think it's to early in the day for ice cream, what do you do?
  7. what would you choose as a profession out of these options
  8. Which character do you hope/think you'll get
  9. Did you enjoy this mini quiz?
  10. Will you recommend me some quiz ideas?

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Quiz topic: Which TPN character am I?
