What Fahrenheit 451 character are you?

This quiz is made for you to know what Fahrenheit 451 character you are. The result is the character your personality matches best. It is all based off your answers so please answer truthfully or it won't work correctly.

This quiz was made as a project. This was our laungage arts project for Fahrenheit 451 we chose to do. I hope you enjoy the quiz and agree with the character you got.

Created by: Mya B, and Zara M.
  1. When someone you haven't ment walks by what do you do?
  2. When a friend is over what do you do?
  3. When you are in a tough situation you do what?
  4. When you hear propaganda you do what?
  5. How would you feel if someone close to you died?
  6. When you see a group of people what do you do?
  7. Would you break the law to read a book?
  8. Books are against the law and you find one lying on the sidewalk. What do you do with it?
  9. What would you do if firemen were about to burn your house?
  10. If someone starts talking to you what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What Fahrenheit 451 character am I?
