Which total dramarama charecter girl are you?

Ever wondered which total dramarama girl you are? Well,this quiz will help you! From six girls, one will prove your personality. No one knows weather your who, this will prove it all.

You will be given ten questions to answer. There may have been lag for the last question and answering any responses for last question will not affect your score. Please enjoy the test.

Created by: Layla
  1. What do you chose out of all of these?
  2. What do you think about when you hear friends?
  3. What would you say is your favorite free time?
  4. Which colour do you choose out of all of these?
  5. Favorite animal?
  6. Whose your favorite charecter?
  7. Which charecter do you hate.
  8. Future job?
  9. Question
  10. Question

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Quiz topic: Which total dramarama charecter girl am I?
